Train your AI

Spend time nurturing your digital twin

1) Basic Information
  • Name

  • Age

  • Gender

2) Background
  • Relationships

  • Education/Work Experience

  • Historical moments

  • Characteristics

  • Achievements

3) Hobbies/Interests
  • Favourite Games

  • Favourite Sport

  • Favourite Food

4) Appearance
  • Height

  • Weight

  • Hairstyle

  • Fashion Sense

5) Dreams & Goals
  • What are your greatest dreams?

  • What are your life goals?

6) Habits
  • Daily Routines

  • Subconscious reactions

7) Verbal Communication Styles

How would you react to a conversation? Example : A: I love Chinese food. B: What type of Chinese food? A: What? Of course all Chinese food.

Last updated