Data and Statistics
An unstoppable trend
"In 2019 the world had over 2.5 billion active gamers. This grew to 3.1 billion in July 2020. Today with a world population of approximately 8 billion and more people taking up gaming, more than 40% of the world’s population are gamers." Reference:,the%20world's%20population%20are%20gamers
"It is expected that by 2030, the Web3 will have reached a worth of $81.5 billion." "Its value is projected to increase at a compound annual rate of 43.7%." "Games are represented by 5.7% of Web3 apps." Reference: "Web3 is the foundation for the metaverse" Reference: How the metaverse will impact the gaming industry
The concept of a new digital universe is not a new one. It was originally conceived in a 1992 dystopian science fiction novel in which people use avatars to interact with each other in a futuristic virtual world. Today, this fictional universe is becoming a reality, with a number of early adopting gaming companies experimenting with a metaverse presence and many others formulating strategies for their own entry. How vast will the economic opportunity of the metaverse be? According to one estimate, the global metaverse market is expected to reach $280 billion by 2025.⁴
Gaming titles will continue to compete with one another, but because each title is just one of many “realms” in the metaverse, they will also compete with a seemingly endless number of destinations and activities. This could lead to significant change in gaming companies’ business models, the way they develop their products, the employee skill sets needed and even the way these companies are structured.
As it matures, the metaverse will continue to incorporate various technologies, such as VR, AR and 3D functionality. It is also associated with the decentralized Web 3.0 concept, which many view as the next chapter in the evolution of the internet. The metaverse will span multiple platforms, as well as the digital and physical realms. It will also create entirely new ways of interacting — and, for gaming companies, drive revenue. Reference:
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